Saturday, June 18, 2011

What I complain about

Today, I wanna talk about complaining.

People complain all the time. I could say I am one of those people who complains a lot. But you wouldn't hear me say anything, unless I feel really at ease with you. Normally, I would appear like I would cope up with the given situation, but in my head, I've run through all the complaints a person could have in an entire lifetime. Yeah, that's how dangerous my head is.

When I come home, I would rant non-stop about how my day was. My parents would feel really bad for me--but they didn't know I actually exaggerated my story just a bit. Ha. Sorry Mum and Pops.

I was interested to see what's the most people complain about. I googled it, but I returned zero results. But I would really want to know top complaints people have.

So maybe I'll just put the top things I mostly complain about:

1.) The tricycle drivers in my community

If there's a prize for the most annoying trike drivers in the Phils, they would definitely win it. My barangay is the nearest baranggay from the paradahan. So when I say that I want a trike ride going there, they would instantly give you a frown cause it means lesser payment for them. Other times, they would make you wait for a long time. They don't believe in the motto, "First com, first serve." In contrast, they think this way, "Higher pay, first serve."

2.) People who think they are better than everyone else.

Enough said.

3.) Eating the same thing for at least 3 consecutive days.

My mother is the funniest mother alive. See, when she knew we liked the dish she prepared for us, she will do that same dish week long. Often times, we complain a lot when that happens. But she still does that most of the time.

4.) Generation gap

Back to my mom, so she's new to social networking sites, right? And recently, I took a photo of my two cousins that she wanted so bad to join in the Mossimo facebook competition. She asked her friends to like those photos, but her friends (being the same age as her and suffering from this gen gap) liked the wall post and not the link. Everyday, shw would ask me and my brother why the likes didn't show in the Mossimo page. Everytime we try to explain it, she just wouldn't get it.

Then, there's this event that I recently took a photo of. The participants were bugging me to upload the photos, which I can't because they are owned by the company. My brain cells are popping constantly whenever I receive messages from them. What I did was I sorted the photos that they appeared in and sent to their respective emails. There's this person, who is maybe in her late 40s or so, who is still bugging me about the photos when I already sent them many many days ago. She said she can't find the download link. I'd swear I wanna die at that time.

5.) People who treats me as if they hired me

At least ask nicely. Thanks.

So, there are 7259438083 more things I complain about but I have to go back to work. I was bored with what I was writing so decided to write a blog. But this blog bores me now. Lols.

Back to workkkkkk~

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