Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hundred days of portraiture

One of my professors told us in a lecture before that scientists do not really create great and big ideas inside the laboratory. Instead, they come up with big ideas inside coffee shops while having lazy conversations with friends.

But I'm no scientist, so my so called great ideas are built inside jeepneys. :)

I love traveling through this little piece of transpo. It makes me think while the wind brushes through my hair. So, a few days ago, while I was traveling home, I came up with an idea of posting photos of people who inspired me.

So, I created a new blog. Here's the link:

But unlike those 365 projects, I won't really upload everyday. The hundred days might even a lie. Hahaha. But I will really try. I won't promise anything, but I'll really try my best to fulfill these hundred days.

Help me, k? :)


  1. impressive Cy! very interesting idea i really like it as in super like... can i be part of this hundred days? :)

  2. sure why not coconut. hahaha! :)
