Alright, the topic for tonight are IP addresses. Ok, the least techie person to talk about this is me. I don't know anything about computers, so I'll basically rely on internet sources like I usually do.
Let's start with defining what IP addresses are.
According to Wikipedia, "An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.[1] An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interfaceidentification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there."
Okay, that's still too technical for me to understand. But all I know is, every network has a unique IP address. Like in my household, everyone who will connect to our network will have the same IP address.
Oh gosh. Why do I even bothered.
It all boils down to this: we should all be less cynical and believe in the sincerity of one. Technology makes mistakes too. People can have the same IP address. You say it's impossible. Well I tell you what Nike said, 'Impossible is nothing."
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