Saturday, February 25, 2012

With strings attached

I find it amazing how people can grow feelings and feel a sense of attachment towards another person over a course of time. It amazes me more on how we can feel the same way to non-living things, all the more a place. You know how people name stuff they own? It's kind of weird for me. Maybe because I never owned a pet I truly cared for. When it comes to places, my family moved a lot from one house to another, so I didn't bother investing some deep emotions in just one location.

Anyways, I received some sad news from home that the land from where our Church stood in for 26 years would be taken away permanently. If I recollect correctly, that piece of land was originally given to the Church founders in my home town by the real land owners. But since the land title was shared with another Christian Ministry, they are now claiming that the whole land is theirs. 

Even though the land that will be taken away from our Church would be for a good cause (they would put up a school for poor kids), I still think it would be really hard for my churchmates to let go of it. My churchmates, which majority are my relatives or in some way related to me, grew up in that place. Their whole faith originated and grew in that place. I understand how much painful it will be that tomorrow would be the last day that they can hold the worship service in there.

For more than two years, that place supplied my spiritual needs. I cannot disregard the fact that my faith has grown and matured in that place, so it also kind of stings me that when I go back home, the Church that I used to know will be turned into the school's parking lot.

I cannot help but imagine the tearful faces that my grandmothers, aunts, and female cousins would have tomorrow morning. Maybe all that's left to say is that I hope the school to be established would feed as much souls as it had when our Church was still standing there. 

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