Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Waking up to the wrong sound of the room

Maybe I just made this up, but like an old clothing forgotten in a closet, I uncovered a piece of information in the back of my head telling me that our ears function the fastest as soon as we wake up. I'm too lazy to validate that.

I think I woke up in the wrong side of the bed, or probably woke up to the wrong sound in the room, that's why I'm feeling all bummed out this morning. 90's discos, electro-pop, or other too energetic music--I can still tolerate that even in my early morning nausea. But waking up to the sound of a person complaining over money, I can't ever tolerate that.

Money for me is superficial. It shouldn't be the root of any argument, and yet it tears people apart. I've witnessed relationships going down the drain because of it. I grew up seeing people suck up to my family when we had something to give and then leaving us when our plates went empty. This is, perhaps, the primary reason why I distrust money. Yeah, people will respect and admire you for having a lot, but all that is fake. When times get harder, they won't be there for you.

I am not saying that I dislike money. It's like "Money is the root of all evils" and "The love of money is the root of all evils" kind of difference. I need money to live, but I will not live just for my need of money.

My mom's business enterprise went bankrupt because she was way too generous to people who cared only for her money. People tell me I'm too stingy, but I am just a product of what I've experienced. I'd never trust people who love money far too much than people.

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