Thursday, August 29, 2013

I cried in public today. So shameful, I could die in a rabbit hole anytime now. Someone just told me I worked slow and I have messy hair, I already cried out of the room. Sad face.

That moment, I just realized how much of an emotional wreck I am. And so, I just made a list in my head of things I need to do to get back on my feet again and be happy. I'll call it MISSION MAKE CYRENE HAPPY AGAIN. That's not a very nice code for a mission. Anyways. The following are the things I would be doing in order to find happiness again:

1. Eat Japanese
2. Drink coffee with a close friend
3. Watch a funny movie
4. Get a new haircut/hair color
5. Sleep for ten hours
6. Go to the beach
7. Sing in the karaoke

Ok. Mission Make Cyrene Happy Again is on. :D

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