I know I've been rambling here and there about how my faith has been shaken for the last few months. I still believe the same, but I can't help but think that the Greater Power out there is really proving me wrong.
I was proud. In fact, maybe way too proud. In the back of my head, I was thinking that I can do everything on my own. Yes I could, but still, with everything I am experiencing now, I think I don't deserve all these. I want to say that luck is on my side but not acknowledging God would be so wrong.
So, generally, in my parents' criterion and probably my neighbors', I can be considered jobless. But I'm working now as a freelance writer. Yeah, I thought I would never become one as I really hated writing since my first day of DEVC120. Who knew I would earn my livelihood through words?
I remember how my Journ Prof would often say that, "Writing is basic." That is true, every job now requires some form of writing. In actuality, my writing style is very basic. I'm not fond of using big and flowery words. I just say things as they are and yet, with some twist of faith, someone out there thought my writing skills are exemplary. Odd, right? But it happened.
Today, I woke up to a very good news. Writing has opened new doors of opportunity for me. Never in my mind had I thought that this would happen to me. But as I said, perhaps it's not me. I have to give that Guy up there credit that is truly due to Him. :)