Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hello, multiply. It's been so long. My head is cluttered and I can't think straight. I was thinking that talking to you again might keep me sane for a while. I'm running in circles, and I think I'm gonna lose it any time soon.

I need a thesis topic. :(

I can't believe I'm thinking about giving up too early in the story. I've scanned several journal articles yet I still don't know which direction to take. Pressure is pressing down on me as time is running out. Most of my peers are out there, already gathering related literature while I'm stuck here, still thinking about what to do.

What should I do? The idea of research has always been intimidating for me. It has probably something to do with elementary and high school science research projects that I crawled my way through. I'd like to think that college would be a different story, but as I see how things are going, it's like I'm traveling the same path.

Oh no. :(

Lord, reveal majestic things. I trust You.