Sunday, January 11, 2015

Magic words

Three words, eight letters, say it and I'm yours.

But this time, it is not "I love you."

Because I know we can love just anyone. We can easily say, "Hey,I love how your hair falls on your shoulders," or "I love this day" and not mean it. We can say you love everyone and everything without conviction, because that's how we are: we love everyone and everything so easily, so quickly. 

I need you. These are the words I need to hear. Because so rarely do we hear people say that. Have you ever felt like your day won't be complete without hearing a word from that someone? Have you ever felt like giving up on life if you know your other half won't be there anyways? I have. You may argue that this love is being selfish and clingy. But one thing I'm sure of; this kind of love was true and real.

I only wanted one, I only wanted that one person I thought I needed. Though things have changed now, I realized that more than anything in the world, I want to be needed.

It's weird how we can say we love someone, but is still capable of leaving them behind. So I was thinking, perhaps, if that someone needed me, I wouldn't be so alone now.

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